The Familes

Belay – Fitche, Ethiopia

“I dream of our own home where we don’t pay a rent so that I work less and study more”.


“Are we moving back to the rural village?”

Emamu – Fitche, Ethiopia

Emamu dreams of a home that looks beautiful, making it something she can be proud of.

Bethlehem – Fitche, Ethiopia

Orphaned at 3 months old and living with Cerebral Palsy, Bethlehem was taken in by a widow named Abunework.

Sebel Siraj – Fitche, Ethiopia

‘’Life is very difficult, living in such kind of house with disability, raising a child without income, only waiting support from others.’’

Ewaway Bekele & Kiros Alemu – Fitche, Ethiopia

‘Better future for my children’

Shita Tesema – Fitche, Ethiopia

“I am in the old age but when I work on the construction, I feel am going back to my younger ages. I really want to spend enough time working on our new homes with other family members.’’

Abaye Teketel – Fitche, Ethiopia

‘Stressful life ends’

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